Bricolage Production Company

Welcome to Here

Written and Directed by Tami Dixon

A sensory-sensitive adventure that provides a space for friends and families to celebrate, explore, and belong,  Welcome to Here is an imaginative journey past threshold guardians, through tunnels, over barriers, and into a covert cave. On this personal quest, you'll meet allies, conquer fears, traverse trials, solve puzzles, and quite possibly emerge as the "Hero of Here."


From January to May 2016, I was a part of an ensemble of artists at Bricolage Production Company who, along with members of the autism spectrum disorder (ASD) community, devised and created an original immersive theatre piece specifically designed for children with ASD and other sensory sensitivities. Through out the time we spent together I got to participate in educational sessions with the cast and creative team, attend puppet workshops, facilitate discussion. join in on devising sessions, and help create a structure and written script. I had first hand experience with many aspects of theatre I had yet to delve into- including devising, immersive theatre, children's theatre, and sensory sensitive theatre.


Creative Team
Writer/Director: Tami Dixon
Costume Designer: Madison Hack
Scenic Designer: Stephanie Mayer-Staley
Sound Designer: Sarah Pickett
Lighting Designer: Michael J. Papinchak III

David Bielewicz
Siovhan Christensen
Parag S. Gohel
Missy Moreno
Gayle Pazerski
Vanya Rumsey


Bricolage Production Company


I'm Very Into You


The Full Monty